Bubsy is a series of platforming video games created by Michael Berlyn and developed and published by Accolade. The games star an anthropomorphic bobcat called
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Bubsy is a series of platforming video games created by Michael Berlyn and developed and published by Accolade. The games star an anthropomorphic bobcat called
The evil giant, Death Adder, has invaded the countries of Firewood, Nendoria and Altorulia and killed the royal families. A young hero from Firewood sets
Spider-Man is a side-scrolling action game developed by Western Technologies and published by Acclaim and LJN in 1995, incorporating elements from the critically acclaimed 1990s
This database is made with contributions from SEGA Universe and information from the RAWG Video Game Database.
This Database is a work in progress, and if you would like to suggest any changes, fix omissions or errors, please contact SEGA Universe (Email SEGA Universe / SEGA Chat Admin), or submit changes directly to RAWG: The SEGA Universe Games Database will be updated periodically, and some changes on RAWG’s database will be updated here.