Create your Featured Article

On this page you can create a Featured Article for submission to SEGA Universe.
Help files on how to create articles can be found on your Dashboard.
Check out existing examples of Featured Articles for inspiration.

Clicking the text above with the arrow opens and closes the hints.
Detailed help files on how to create articles can be found on your Dashboard.

Start writing your article below.
Sections with a * are required.

Begin with the title…

1. Give your article a title

The title appears wherever the article appears within SEGA Universe, and at the beginning of the article itself. It may also appear on other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Things to consider:
• Try to write a title that people would be searching for, to allow your article to reach more people.
For example:
“Why Sonic the Hedgehog is the best series”
“Top Games of the Mega Drive”
“The best SEGA games of the 90s”

Read more about writing good titles here

2. Upload an image to go along with your article

The image usually appears wherever the article appears within SEGA Universe, and at the beginning of the article itself. It may also appear on other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Things to consider:
• Images must be no larger than 1MB (1024 megabits). The form will not send unless the image is not larger than 1 MB.
• Aspect ratio of images should be square or rectangle. Portrait or tall images will not work as well.
• Using other people’s artwork isn’t allowed, due to copyright rules. Fair use policy applies.
• Screenshots, official game artwork, and your own photographs and images are allowed, under the fair use policy.

Read more about choosing suitable images here

Important: Images must not be more than 1 MB and must be in .jpg .jpeg .png or .tif file format.
Once uploaded, an image can be removed by clicking the “X” and replaced with a different image.

3. Write out your article

This is where the main content of your article goes. Basic HTML formatting can be used, images can be uploaded, and links to YouTube videos can be inserted.

Detailed help files on how to write articles can be found on your Dashboard.

It is a good idea to have a draft copy of this section in a word processing program on your computer/device, incase there are issues completing this form. 

Things to consider:
• Images must be no larger than 1MB (1024 megabits). The images will not upload if they are larger than 1 MB.
• Using other people’s artwork isn’t allowed, due to copyright rules. Fair use policy applies.
• Screenshots, official game artwork, and your own photographs and images are allowed, under the fair use policy..
• Please do not use more than 2 or 3 images within your article.

External Links and YouTube Links
• Links to your own or other’s content is okay, but make sure links are relevant and not spam.

Read more about writing good articles here

4a. If your Featured article relates to a game, select the game series it belongs to

SEGA Universe uses “tags” to organise content. For example, anything tagged with “Sonic the Hedgehog” will be displayed in a designated page for content tagged for just “Sonic the Hedgehog”, and in other areas of the website.

To ensure your article will show correctly on the website, please choose what game series your article is related to, using the drop down menu. If your article is related to a number of different games series, you can choose the most relevant one, or choose ” *** Not Listed *** “, and a suitable tag will be chosen for your article.

4b. If your Featured article relates to a platform, select the platform

SEGA Universe uses “tags” to organise content. For example, anything tagged with “Dreamcast” can be displayed alongside other content tagged with “Dreamcast”, and in other areas of the website.

To ensure your article will show correctly on the website, please choose what platform your article is related to, using the drop down menu. If your article is related to a number of platforms, you can choose the most relevant one, or add additional details to the last section of this form. If your article is not related to a platform leave this field as *** Not Applicable ***.

4c. If your Featued article relates to an online store, select the store

SEGA Universe uses “tags” to organise content. For example, anything tagged with “Xbox Store” can be displayed alongside other content tagged with “Xbox Store”, and in other areas of the website.

To ensure your article will show correctly on the website, please choose what online store your article is related to, using the drop down menu. If your article is related to a number of online stores, you can choose the most relevant one, or add additional details to the last section of this form. If your article is not related to an online store, leave this field as *** Not Applicable***.

4d. Select as many applicable tags for your Featured article as you want

SEGA Universe uses “tags” to organise content. For example, anything tagged with “3D Platformer” can be displayed alongside other content tagged with “3D Platformer”, and in other areas of the website.

To ensure your article will show correctly on the website, please choose a number of tags your article is related to, using the multiple selection box below. Multiple selections can be made by holding down the Shift or Control key while selecting with the mouse, or by opening the menu on a mobile device and checking the check boxes against multiple tags.  If you can’t find all the applicable tags within this list, complete the next section.

4e. Type in any additional tags

In addition to the previous section, list any tags you couldn’t find. Use a comma in between tags. For example, “Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik, Any Rose”

5. Type in any additional information

Please add in any additional information. For example, if you were not able to select the all the relevant choices you wanted within this form, or you feel it is missing anything, you can include that information here.

6. Submit your Featured Article

Before submitting your article, please check you are happy with it, as you will not be able to make any changes once submitted.

If you have completed all sections and pressing Submit does not give you a confirmation message, please check that your uploaded image in Section 2 is not bigger than 1 MB, and try again.